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The Experience

A Step by Step Guide to Your Search for an Awesome Christmas Tree

Crest Sign

You've made it to the top of Ben Lomond Mountain!

Step 1: Parking

When you arrive you will be directed to park by our friendly staff. Once parked, look for the office. Remember, if you need help with anything during your visit, just ask! We're here to help.


Step 2: Grab a saw


The saws are always free to use and are located near the office/register. Tree carts are available for ease of bringing your tree in from the field.

Searching for your tree

Step 3: Find your tree.


Search our beautiful acreage for the perfect tree. Have a particular tree type or size in mind? Our staff will be able to point you in the right direction.

Where to cut

Step 4: Cut Smart For the Next Generation


Once you've found your tree, find a place on the trunk, just above the bottom greenery, to begin your cut. Remember to leave enough of a stump to put into your Christmas tree stand. You will be leaving some greenery on the stump so it can continue to generate trees for years to come! Check out our Growing section to see how we regenerate trees from the same stump year after year!

Sawing the tree down

Step 5: Cut Your Tree


Saw perpendicular to the trunk. Let the whole family join in for a great photo opportunity.

measure and pay

Step 6: Measure and Checkout


Bring your tree to the office to be measured & paid for. Prices are based on a 5-foot minimum tree. If you are looking for a tree that is less than 5 feet tall, pre-cut tabletop trees are available, already on the stand.

Wrap your tree

Step 7: Wrapping


Have your tree wrapped in netting for free. This makes the tree easy and safe to transport. Just snip it off at home after your tree is in the stand & in your house. (recycle netting by placing in a milk jug).

Loading on the car

Step 8: Packing Up

Load your tree into your car. Twine is also available for free, for you to secure your tree to your car.

Setting Up a Christmas Tree_edited.jpg

Step 9: At Home


When you get home the cut on your tree may be sealed with dry sap. Trim off an additional 1/2 inch and put immediately in water. Water your tree daily. 
Decorate and enjoy!

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